Creative Arts Strategic Endorsement Training Course Was Held in Split, Croatia on 08 -14 of November 2018.
Culture & creativity are to be considered as the prominent medium for creating economical values and progress in the 21st century. It is assumed that creativity will become the most important source of advantage on the world market. If we take a look at the past, we can say that the working-class has dominated the world industry in the first half of the 20th century. Then, in the second half of the 20th century, everything was oriented on the service industry, and now creative industries take over development and force changes and innovations on local, regional and international scenes. Thus, it could be concluded that creative entrepreneurship is the emerging form of entrepreneurship for the future. By changing the paradigm, and allowing the culture to become considered as a vital source of economic development and growth (instead of just taking benefits from other industries) we become more aware of obstacles on the road to success in the creative industries sector. Creative industries cover a wide range of sections: marketing, architecture, visual arts, handicrafts, design, fashion, movie production, music production, performing arts, publishing, software development and video game development. A common issue for the majority of these sections is that they require highly educated professionals with a strong potential for entrepreneurship or self-employment. However, during their formal education period, they are not able to gain the required skills and competencies, making them practically unprepared for real situations and the labour market. This mostly affects young people without real skills, competencies and previous working experience in which they were educated.
Art promotes social inclusion, art is socially engaged and most importantly, everybody can create art. Creative Arts Strategic Endorsement (CASE) project aimed to promote creative process and non-formal education within the participants from various backgrounds and previous experiences. The goal was to educate and prepare young professionals for the labour market whether they are youth workers, curators, art historians, writers, designers, architects, producers, art teachers, filmmakers, conservators, amateur artists, painters, photographs; highly educated or without a formal education degree.
Therefore, the main addressed topic in the CASE project was the approach of proactive self-employment of young people, based on creative entrepreneurial knowledge applied in creative industries. CASE project’s main activity was the organization of the five days lasting international training course on creative entrepreneurship, leadership, project management and digital innovations for youth workers and organizations working with youth and international youth mobility. Participants met with the definition of creative entrepreneurship and best practices from the participating countries. Further on, using non-formal and informal learning methods, participants experienced how to create, develop, plan and implement their own or someone else’s creative ideas. It is also important to mention a social approach and awareness being developed via creative entrepreneurship. Local communities can make a significant benefit from fostering creative ideas and innovations because most of the artistic production nowadays is engaged in the depiction of social problems and the raise of social awareness.
CASE project macro-level goal was focused on creating a culture of lifelong learning in the creative sector for the purpose of its empowerment and development which would encourage young people, students, young entrepreneurs, or already experienced creators to take on entrepreneurial innovative solutions, implement existing resources on innovative ways, and develop basic entrepreneurial potential.
The project was organised by Klub mladih Split in collaboration with
International Labour Association (Netherlands)
Associazione Culturale EUTOPIA (Italy)
Asociatia Tinerilor Cu Initiativa Civica (Romania)
Stowarzyszenie Sztukater (Poland)
Creature (France)