“Resilience Officer for Social Emergencies (Response)” Strategic Partnership Project Has Been Launched in Cavriago, Italy on 19-20 November 2018
RespOnSE aims at providing learning opportunities to young people aged 18-35 years, unemployed/underemployed, university and/or high-school graduates, with at least one volunteering experience – preferably in Civil Protection/Humanitarian Aid domain – to help them to transform this experience into a career opportunity, by providing them with:
– knowledge, skills and competencies to improve their “on field” volunteering experience with organizational and managerial abilities;
– specific social and interactive skills, following their passion and inclination/attitude to work in direct contact with persons facing difficulties;
– entrepreneurial skills so that they are able to build their own career.
The partnership is formed by:
Centro Studio e Lavoro “La Cremeria” srl (Italy) – Coordinator
ILA (Netherlands)
Associacio Meraki Projectes de Valencia (Valenciana)
Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (Greece)
Sdrujenie-Bisnes Inkubator- Gotse Delchev, Tsentar Za Podpomagane Na Predpriemachestvoto (Bulgaria)
Quesite srl (Italy)
#youth and #Erasmus+ #Responseproject