“Living Vidalia” Projects’ Youth Exchange Was Held in Barcelona, Spain, on 21 – 30 May 2022

"Living Vidalia" Projects' Youth Exchange Was Held in Barcelona, Spain, on 21 - 30 May 2022

“Living Vidalia” Projects’ Youth Exchange Was Held in Barcelona, Spain, on 21 – 30 May 2022

The “Living Vidalia” project raised the social and circular economy and sustainable solutions. Participants had an ecovillage life experience during the project and discussed eco-architecture, renewable energies, sustainable agriculture, water management and necessary green skills in circular economy.

For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/132/

The project is held in coordination with the Boodaville in partnership with;
Internationale Arbeidsvereniging,
Icm Jindrichuv Hradec Z.s.,
Vulcanicamente Aps,
Medunarodna Udruga Mladih Eutopia,
Associação Vita Nativa – Conservação Do Ambiente .