"Innovative Approach for Developing Social Entrepreneurship" Projects' Study Visit Was Held in Lund, Sweden, on 28 May - 01 June 2022
“Innovative Approach for Developing Social Entrepreneurship” Projects’ Study Visit Was Held in Lund, Sweden, on 28 May – 01 June 2022
The “Innovative Approach for Developing Social Entrepreneurship” contributed to developing a sustainable civil society dialogue between Turkey and EU member states. The project created a sustainable social entrepreneurship ecosystem at the local and national levels.
The project is granted by the “Supporting Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey Grant Program-VI (CSD-VI)”.
For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/121/
The project is held in coordination with the Aydin Genc Is Adamlari Dernegi in partnership with;
Internationale Arbeidsvereniging,
Aydin Girisimci Kadinlar Dernegi,
Sosyal Etki Ve Yenilikci Egitim Dernegi,
Integration For Alla.
#ABBaskanligi #CFCUTurkey #SivilToplumDiyalogu #AydinValiligi