"Sensitive Language Regarding Disability for A More Inclusive Society" Project's Training Course Was Held in Valencia, Spain, on 18 - 23 December 2022

“Sensitive Language Regarding Disability for A More Inclusive Society” Project’s Training Course Was Held in Valencia, Spain, on 18 – 23 December 2022

The “Sensitive Language Regarding Disability for a More Inclusive Society” project stressed the importance of using sensitive language to foster inclusion and equality. The project raised awareness among trainers and educators to end discrimination and stigmatisation against people with disabilities.

For more information, please visit; www.ready.ilabour.eu

The project is held in coordination with the Asociación Para El Desarrollo Socioemocional De La Persona, La Sociedad Y Para La Cooperación Internacional Uno in partnership with;
Fightthestroke Foundation,