"European Human Rights Network of Towns" Project's Transnational Project Meeting Was Held online on 02 - 03 February 2023
“European Human Rights Network of Towns” Project’s Transnational Project Meeting Was Held online on 02 – 03 February 2023
Network members discussed the following topics during the meeting.
– Lessons learned from the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
– Active Citizenship: Bridging the gap between institutional and civic engagement
– Initiatives and best practice examples
The “European Human Rights Network of Towns” project addressed the need to consolidate local resources and hear from the local citizens about their needs and challenges to enjoy their human rights. The project contributed to developing new local civic activism groups and networks, promoting human rights, diversity and inclusion.
For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/135/
The project is held in coordination with the Município De Torres Novas in partnership with;
Institoyto Koinonikis Kainotomias Kai Synoxis,
Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell Educazione E Lo Sviluppo Associazione,
Primaria Municipiului Bistrita,
Verein Zur Forderung Von Kulturaustausch Und Nachhaltigkeit In Europa(gain&sustain:europe),
Nyugat-pannon Terület- És Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.,
Drustvo Za Razvijanje Prostovoljnega Dela Novo Mesto,
Evropeyska Mladezhka Mrezha Za Kreativnost I Inovazii,
Sdruzeni Splav, Z.s..