"You(th) Are E-ctivist" Project's Training Course Was Held in Chisinau, Moldova, on 11 - 18 November 2023
“You(th) Are E-ctivist” Project’s Training Course Was Held in Chisinau, Moldova, on 11 – 18 November 2023
The “You(th) are E-ctivist” project aimed to improve youth workers’ digital competencies and build youth organisations’ capacities to create online educational content for young people in an inspiring and motivating way. The project used digital storytelling and e-learning based on the Berkeley method to promote cultural diversity and explore the cultural identity of young people, including Roma, migrants, refugees, and local young people.
For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/216/
The project is held in coordination with the Asociatia Uiet in partnership with;
Ngo “step. Forward”,
Leadership Development Association Albania,
Yopa – Fiatalok Az Állampolgári Részvételért Közhasznú Egyesület,
Udruga Za Savjetovanje More Coaching,
Centrul Pentru Cooperarea Tinerilor,
Leadership Development Association Albania (kosovo Branch),
Regionalas Attistibas Un Socialo Iniciativu Organizacija Perspektiva.