"Youth Leadership Development Training Program" Project's Transnational Project Meeting Was Held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 09 - 11 November 2023

“Youth Leadership Development Training Program” Project’s Transnational Project Meeting Was Held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 09 – 11 November 2023

The “Youth Leadership Development Training Program” project strengthened the infrastructure of non-governmental organizations and increased the quality of youth work. The project put forward the youth leadership and youth work development modules, including pedagogical, training, research, analysis, assessment, evaluation and reporting skills.

For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/164/

The project is held in coordination with the Uluslararası Tüm Gençlik Ve Spor Kulübü Derneği in partnership with;
Centrul Pt. Dezv. Instrum. Structurale,
Associacion Amigos De Europa,
Jordan Youth Innovation Forum Society,
Associação Sójovem Das Saibreiras,
Unique Projects.