“Evs for Youth Inclusion” Project’s Training Course Was Held in Gaziantep, Turkey, on 05 – 12 January 2019

"Evs for Youth Inclusion" Project's Training Course Was Held in Gaziantep, Turkey, on 05 - 12 January 2019

“Evs for Youth Inclusion” Project’s Training Course Was Held in Gaziantep, Turkey, on 05 – 12 January 2019

The “EVS for Youth Inclusion” project established new EVS partnerships among the associations. During the project, participants developed numerous volunteering projects for young people with fewer opportunities.

For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/18/

The project is held in coordination with the Internationale Arbeidsvereniging in partnership with;
Evropske Centrum Mladeze Breclav – European Youth Centre Breclav Z.s.,
Ngo “non-formal Education for Youth”,
Centar Za Razvoj Lokalnih Zajednica Krug,
Asociatia Tinerii 3 D,
Fundacja “zielony Slon”,
Centar Za Mladinski Aktivizam Cma Krik,
Institutul De Instruire In Dezvoltare Millenium,
Mano Europa,
Bridge of Friendship Kartlosi,
Galajaya Korpu Public Associan Of Youth,
Creative Youth,
Active Youth of North Albania,
Kultur Koprusu Egitim Ve Genclik Dernegi.