"Feeling Like New" Project's Youth Exchange Was Held in Konya, Turkey, on 09 - 17 July 2023
“Feeling Like New” Project’s Youth Exchange Was Held in Konya, Turkey, on 09 – 17 July 2023
The “Feeling Like New” project aimed to increase young people’s employability by developing their basic skills and creating awareness about the importance of young leadership. During the training, participants learnt digital tools, networking, time management, using body language, presentation and diction techniques, SWOT analysis, and personal branding training.
For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/215/
The project is held in coordination with the Konya Buyuksehir Belediye Baskanligi (kapsül) in partnership with;
Asociación Cultural Estrellas Del Sur,
Towarzystwo Edukacyjne “wiedza Powszechna”,
Baltijas – Kinas Uznemejdarbibas, Kulturas Un Izglitibas Sadarbibas Agentura.