"Intercultural Music in Kirikkale" Project's Youth Exchange Was Held in Kirikkale, Turkey, on 27 October - 05 November 2023
“Intercultural Music in Kirikkale” Project’s Youth Exchange Was Held in Kirikkale, Turkey, on 27 October – 05 November 2023
The “Intercultural Music in Kırıkkale” project aimed to promote cultural diversity and youth participation in music. During the activity, participants enhanced their musical skills and awareness of European cultural heritage through music workshops, cultural transfer and performances to foster intercultural dialogue and social inclusion.
For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/219/
The project is held in coordination with the Kirikkale Vali̇li̇ği̇ in partnership with;
Asociatia Tinerilor Cu Initiativa Civica,
Kud Goce Delchev,
Associazione Europalmente,
Association Culturelle Des Jeunes Turcs De Bar Le Duc,
Drzavno Muzicko Uciliste Todor Skalovski-tetoec.