"Sounds and Voices of the Exodus" Project's Youth Exchange Was Held in San Giorgio Del Sannio, Italy, on 06 - 17 October 2023
“Sounds and Voices of the Exodus” Project’s Youth Exchange Was Held in San Giorgio Del Sannio, Italy, on 06 – 17 October 2023
The “Sounds & Voices of the Exodus” project explored ways to prevent racism and discrimination and spread human rights and the rule of law from a migration perspective. The project used non-formal learning methods to shed light on stereotypes, prejudices, and realities of Europe.
For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/223/
The project is held in coordination with the Young Mens Christian Association Ymca Parthenope Onlus in partnership with;
Federatia Young Men`s Christian Associations,
Asociacion Juvenil Intercambia,
Rosto Solidario – Associacao De Desenvolvimento Social E Humano,
Cet Platforma Skopje,
Alrahallah Theater – Berlin E.v,
Fundacja Teatr Wschodni.