The "Connecting Girls to Stem" Project's Training Course Was Held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on 18 - 24 February 2024
The “Connecting Girls to Stem” Project’s Training Course Was Held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on 18 – 24 February 2024
Teachers from Italy, Spain and Türkiye gathered to explore innovative digital technologies and interdisciplinary teaching methods to increase female students’ interest in STEM subjects.
The activity showcased strategies to empower educators in fostering a conducive learning environment, equipping them with tools to inspire young girls towards STEM careers. With a focus on reducing the skills gap in the labour market, participants engaged in interactive sessions, exchanging insights and best practices.
The “Connecting Girls to STEM” project increased female students’ interest in STEM education and encouraged them to make effective career choices in STEM. The project introduced teachers and trainers developing digital technologies and interdisciplinary learning methodologies that reduce the skills gap in the labour market.
For more information, please visit
The project is held in coordination with the Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico “G. Giorgi” Brindisi in partnership with;
Hadiye Kuradaci Bilim Ve Sanat Merkezi,
Instituto De Enseñanza Secundaria Santa Lucía,