"Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability" Contact Making Seminar Has Been Launched in Yerevan, Armenia on 1-6 March 2019
The project aims to increase recognition of voluntary youth work in society and among employers, to acknowledge and validate youth volunteering at local, national levels, develop volunteers’ competencies and link them to the labour market, make their work validated by their skills and knowledge gained as a part of non-formal learning in local projects. The project will bring in a united platform and dimension variety of stakeholders of voluntary youth work, including governmental agencies, public educational bodies and civil society organizations. This cooperation will create process, environment and outcomes, which will develop capacities of all involved parties.
The impact of the project results will reach the fields of legislative, volunteer management, companies’ human resources, volunteers’ recognition and employability of young people. The project is a crucial contribution to the process of recognition of non-formal education and voluntary youth work. It increases the capacity of youth organizations, as it gives a possibility to develop national recognition tools specified to local needs. Youth workers and youth leaders from different European youth organizations can join in the development of recognition tools and using the existing experience, develop their own.
The project will increase active youth involvement in society starting with decision-making processes. Young people will understand that the voluntary activities will give them the knowledge, skills and experience which they need for being hired, recognized and involved in society. The civil society will have skilled youth organizations, which know how to work with volunteers and how to make visible voluntary work and validate the learning outcomes of non-formal education. Yet volunteers and youth workers are among the key important factors of community development. By encouraging the concept of active volunteering as part of a democratic and strong civil society, the project will share all of our outcomes on the European level. Young people will feel that the voluntary youth work gives them knowledge, skills and experience which is recognized by the state and public bodies, governments, society and protected by law. The project will become a unique bridge for the cooperation between the governmental structures and youth NGOs, between formal and non-formal education, between policymakers and practitioners.
Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability Project is coordinated by the Social and Youth Workers non-Governmental Organisation (Armenia) in collaboration with
National Technical University Dnipro Politechnic (Ukraine)
LLC Umbrella (Georgia)
Ministry of Labour and social Affairs of Republic of Armenia (Armenia)
Nordic European Mobility (Swedish)
International Labour Association (Netherlands)
Escull Solidari (Spain)
ECYC- European Confederation of Youth Clubs AISBL (Belgium)
HORSEED (Norway)
Kıprıakos Organismos Kentron Neotitas Koken LTD (Kypros)
Koinonikh Synetairistikh Epixeirhsh Koinonikhs Ofeleias Mentores (Greece)
Nur Service (Armenia)