"Youth Entrepreneurial Toolkit" Project's Training Course Was Held in Manerba Del Garda, Italy, on 17 - 24 February 2023
“Youth Entrepreneurial Toolkit” Project’s Training Course Was Held in Manerba Del Garda, Italy, on 17 – 24 February 2023
The “Youth Entrepreneurial Toolkit” project built entrepreneurial understanding and competencies and promoted youth entrepreneurship in rural and urban areas. Participants identified and interpreted successful business and finance models to take well-founded decisions when starting their social enterprise.
For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/182/
The project is held in coordination with the Arte E Cultura Sociale in partnership with;
Youth Center of Georgia,
Asociación “integra-voluntariado Joven”,
Centru Pentru Dezvoltare Durabila Greentin,
Creative Youth,
Medunarodna Udruga Mladih Eutopia,
Patras Youth Club,
The Starry Start of Talents Foundation,
Vsi “umunthu”.